Celebrate Drinking Water Week, May 1-7!
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Six Things You Should Know
About Sebago Lake
How many Mainers count on Sebago Lake for their drinking water?
200,000 people or 16% of Maine’s population.
Which municipalities get their drinking water from Sebago Lake?
Communities in Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Falmouth, Gorham, Portland, Raymond, Scarborough, South Portland, Standish, Westbrook, and Windham.
How many gallons of drinking water does Sebago Lake supply daily?
The lake provides approximately 22 million gallons of drinking water daily thanks to Portland Water District.
Why is Sebago Lake one of only 50 surface water supplies in the country that is so clean it does not need to be filtered before treatment?
The 234,000-acre Sebago Lake watershed is 84% forested and these forests naturally filter the water.
If Sebago Lake is so clean, what's the problem?
While Sebago Lake is exceptionally clean, the watershed has been identified as the most vulnerable in the Northeast due to the threat of development.
How is Sebago Clean Waters working to ensure the lake stays clean?
We work with our partner organizations to permanently protect the forests that naturally filter the water flowing into the lake.